Tips to Working From Home

I know we are in a real time of uncertainty and during the next couple of weeks, a lot of us will have to make adjustments to our lives to help stop the spread of this virus. One of the biggest change will be a lot of people working from home. As someone who has run her own business for the last 7 years, a lot of that being home based, I wanted to offer some of my best tips for working from home.

  1. Plan ahead and make a schedule
    Honestly whether you have a 9-5 or are an entrepreneur, you should already be doing this but it is even more essential now to have more structure. Having a schedule and to-do list is a great way to make sure you are still being productive and not just watching Netflix all day. Remember all of the goals you have for yourself to encourage to get the work done.
  2. Dress The Part
    Yes, you will be working at home and could easily wear PJs to work but I would like to encourage you to still get up, shower and get dressed for work. This simple shift can get your mind into “work mode” instead of “chilling at home mode”.
  3. Work in 30min-45min intervals
    Working in shorter burst can help you get more done and prevent burn out. Work for 30 mins straight, take a small break (5-10mins), then work again for another 30 mins. Working in this manner has been proven to help you be a lot more productive. Just make sure to limit the breaks to 5-10mins (don’t fall down an Instagram rabbit hole).
  4. Have a designated work place
    Whether you have a home office, kitchen table or even the floor of your bedroom, having a designated place to work in your home will get you into that “I’m working” mind set.
  5. Have snacks and meal prepped
    This tips has made a huge difference in my productivity. I was one to make my lunch in the middle of the day and it would take up valuable working and eating time. Prepping snacks and my lunch before hand has taken the guess work out of what I’m going to eat and allowed me more time to work.
  6. Give your self grace
    It may be difficult to strictly follow these tips or any others you may see floating around the internet. I get how going from the structure of an office, where there is accountability, to working from home, where there is none, can throw your flow of work out of wack. I just want to encourage you to have grace with yourself and try daily to get better and better.

I hope that these tips were helpful if you are quarantined, social distancing or working from home. I’d love to hear any other tips you may have in the comment. Please stay safe and take care of yourself and family members.


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