6 tips for houseplant care

If you follow me on Instagram (and you should definitely be following me), you know that I consider myself a bit of a crazy plant lady. I love plants and have amassed quite the collection over the past 4 years. To date, I have about 50 or so plant babies and though I have lost a couple along the way, the majority of them I’ve had for at least a year.

It takes a lot of patience and dedication to take care of houseplants. Sure, they are are in your home now, but their natural environment is outside and this can bring with it certain challenges. Different plants also have different needs and that adds on to the layers of care. As someone with a fairly green thumb, I can tell you that there is no onesize fit all regimen for your plants but there are a few commonality in care and those are the 6 tips for houseplant care, that I’m going to give you now.

6 houseplant care tips
  • Research
    Like I said before all plants are different and you can’t just bring a plant home water it and expect it to grow (unless it a snake or spider plant, those two are super low maintenance). It’s wise to do a little bit of research on each plant to know how to property take care of it.
  • Pay attention to the Light
    Light is how plants make their own food (remember photosynthesis from science class?), so it is one of the most crucial things for any plant. Even plants that thrive in low light still need…you guessed it, light! With research, you’ll discover the best light conditions for your plant and should try to accommodate that as best a you can within the perimeters of your home.
  • Get their Water just right
    We all know, because of that same science class, that water is just a crucial to plants as light and is directly correlated to health and success of your plant. For the most part, the area that people mess up in when caring for a plant is under or over watering. Through your research, you’ll find the perfect about and frequency to water your plant and you should stick to it. As you grow (pun intended) as a houseplant owner, you’ll get a lot better a noticing the signed of your plant needing a drink or of them having had too much.
  • Where you buy your plants does matter
    I’m not saying that you can’t have successful plants from the grocery store, heck like 5 of mine are from Trader Joes. I am saying that you can’t necessarily buy a plant from just any where and think that they are going to thrive. Care while at the store and where the plants were farmed are big factors on whether your plants will thrive or die. This is where having recommendations and doing research comes in handy.
  • Fertilizer is your friend
    Though plant actually make their own food, they need fertilizer as a direct energy source. Like we take vitamins supplements to replace any nutrients we aren’t getting from our food, fertilizer is like a plant supplement and helps them grow big and strong.
  • Temperature and humidity
    Almost all plant thrive when the temperature is a least 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so its important to keep your plants draft free in the winter and out of the way of A/C’s in the summer. Plants also like a bit of moisture in the air. If you feel like your home is a bit dry, try investing in a humidifier or misting your plants every once in a while.

I really hope my 6 tips for houseplant care help you on the way to becoming a successful plant parent. I would love to hear about your plants in the comments.

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