6 things I’ve been doing to help with my anxiety

As a person who has been dealing with anxiety for quite some time now, I can tell you that going through a global pandemic where you are isolated in your home for days on end, is less than ideal. For me, going out of the house and interacting with friends, colleagues and clients is a major help when I’m trapped in my head. Unfortunately, my former escapes aren’t possible right now and the usual worries are now accompanied by a new one, the potential threat of contracting or passing on a deadly virus.

Being a naturally solutions driven person has helped me out of my fair share of tough situations and it has really been helping me combat my anxieties. Instead of my usual coping mechanisms, I’ve developed a few new ways to subside my worries and overcome my overthinking. As with most everything on this blog, I wanted to share with you some of the things that have been helping with my anxiety, with the hope that if you’re going through similar feelings, that they could help you as too. Here are the 6 things I’ve been doing to help with my anxiety.

  1. Cleaning/ Keeping a clean space
    I know I’m not the only one who find comfort in have their environment in order. Having a clean home is especially important to me now that I am here all the time. Now don’t get me wronging. I’m not a huge fan of cleaning up, especially when being in the house all the time makes the task a daily thing, but I love the feeling of not having one more thing to worry about. The order of things make me feel more in control, which brings me to my next anxiety reducing tip

2. Controlling what I can
Controlling things is sort of a forte of mine. I have a pretty bossy personality and it could be deemed as both good and bad. One of the things that I have been learned is that I can’t control everything! Feeling like I have no control over things, is one of the many reasons I feel anxious. Learning to control this feeling is easier said than done but its something that has given me tremendous comfort. Focusing on controlling only what I can has freed me to not worry about the things that I can’t. When a thought arises and its start to trouble me, I ask myself, “is that with in my control?” If it is, I can make steps to deal with it, if not, I let it go.

3. Being Creative
Just sitting here, writing this post is a form of therapy for me. During this time of quarantine, I have been creating so much more than I have in years and it has given me so much peace. Being an entrepreneur, I am usually using my creativity to solve problems and create new tactics for better serving my clients. To be able to use my creativity in a way to just express myself and share things that I find important, interesting or compelling has been so healing.

This is the perfect time to celebrate your creative side and to do things that allow you to express your self in ways in ways that you may have not in a while.

4. Making Checklist
I am a huge believer in, if its not written down it doesn’t get done. Making checklist of things I want to accomplish for the day grounds me and gives me something to look forward to. Right now, more than ever, we need things to look forward to. Even if my list consist of things like, “call a friend” or “make something new with the chicken”, having a clear guide on what my day will sort of look like makes me feel a bit more normal.
Making a list doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll get everything on that list done, but crossing off just one thing on the lists still gives me a satisfaction and a challenge for each day. Its another thing that I can control.

5. Selfcare
Being more intentional about selfcare was one of my goals for this year and this time at home has definitely given me the opportunity to do it in a real way. Making sure that at least once a week (preferably more), I’m doing something to make myself feel good and important has done wonders for me and my psyche. I’m making me feel worthy and thats a really great feeling.
Only you can know what selfcare is for you but here are some of the things I do that work for me.
– Taking baths
– Doing my hair and or nails
-getting dressed up
-Having a glass of wine
– Hanging with and taking care of my plants (I’m a crazy plant lady)
-cooking new recipes
-playing with my puppy

6. Embracing my feelings and positive self talk
I left this one for last because it seems a bit counterintuitive but hear me out. Sometimes when I am feeling anxious I let myself feel it and I ask myself questions. Question like, “Why are you feeling this way?” “What will worrying do?”, “what can you control?” “How is worrying helping?” “How is worrying hurting?” “What can be done right now to make the situation better or worse?”, “What do you have to look forward to?”. Questions like these help me get to the root of why I’m feeling what I’m feeling and for me, knowing why is a part of how I can start to control my mind and then redirect myself with positive self talk and meaningful solutions.

Outfit details:
Zara dress (similar here and here)
Cult Gaia Bag
Gia x Pernille Teisbaek

Anxiety manifests itself different in everyone. What I’ve shared with you is just some of the things that have worked for me. Hopefully some of them can work for you as well and if they don’t thats ok too. I do want to mention that if you are feeling too overwhelmed and can’t self soothe (or even if you can), it is so important to speak with a professional therapists or councilors. Along with these methods, I do still have weekly chats with my own therapist that, in conjunction with what I’ve shared, helps tremendously. Please feel free to comment some of the ways the was you deal with your anxiety so that we can get different perspectives.


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