Life in NYC During the Pandemic

We’re in the second week of Phase 3 of opening in NYC and a lot has changed since the start of the Pandemic. Life in NYC during the pandemic is quite different then it was pre-Covid-19 and I’m still working on adjusting to this new normal. I still walkout the house and quickly run back in having remembered that I forgot to put on my mask.

Though the rest of the US is going through a surge of new cases, in NYC the number are still declining and hopefully we’ll continue to stay on that trend and see less and less numbers. Since we all have different experience, I figured I’d share how things are going in various areas of my life during the pandemic. I want to preface my statements by saying that these have been my experience. I’m not complaining and know that I am truly blessed to only have minor inconvenience due to this terrible pandemic that has effected millions of people.

Life in NYC During the pandemic

Work/ Real Estate
As a Real Estate Agent in NYC, this pandemic was a real curve ball in my business. During the first few months, we weren’t allowed to show properties at all and I had to be super creative to virtually sell and rent properties. Since phase 2, we are now allowed to show again and business has thankfully picked up but obviously with many changes. Social distancing, tons of paperwork (like health questionnaire and liability forms) and limited showings make the process a lot slower and unfortunately less personable.

Social Life
Robbie and I have been out to eat a few times since phase 3 started and it’s been nice. Of course, everything is outdoor seating but it’s just so nice to have other people preparing our food and not eating in our own apartment.

Shopping in the city is also quite a bit different from before. A lot of the luxury stores still aren’t opened yet or only allowing curb side pick up. The fast fashion stores are open but sometimes there are lines so that they can maintain social distancing. Today, I went into Sephora to get some more foundation and they no longer allow you to test products on yourself and check your temperature before even entering the store. It’s a weird world in in-store retail right now but I am so grateful for the ability to tangibly shop again (while using hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing).

We have spent some time with family and friends and have been trying to be some what cautious, by wearing masks, not hugging or shaking hands and hand sanitizing whenever possible. It’s not the most personable way to interact with friends but its definitely beats not seeing them at all.

Robbie and I, both got tested for Covid-19 and it came back negative with no antibodies, which mean we don’t have or have never had Covid-19. It’s such a blessing because though we have been careful, we have been a bit more adventurous than your average.

Because the pandemic happened at basically the start of the year, we weren’t able to complete all of the annual check-up we usually do. Now, that we are able to see our doctors again we have attempted to make appointments and have been getting scheduled for things well into August because the waitlist is so long. One bright side was that after 6 months of waiting, I finally got to pick up my glasses from my optometrist. I’m so fortunate to not direly need my glasses.

Outfit Details:
Marc Jacobs Button Down Top
Gucci Belt
Levi Jeans
Apple Watch
Loewe Bag
Loewe Sunglasses
Franco Shoes

I went for my first laser hair removal treatment since the pandemic started and I was literally so giddy. Like every where else, the place that I go to took extra precautions like temperature checks and health questionnaires but it was a fairly quick and normal appointment.

I also got my hair braided and unfortunately, I can’t say that they took as much precaution as other places but I made a point to hand sanitize, wear my mask the whole time and asked to be seated 6ft away from the next customer. Sometimes you have to advocation for yourself.

Getting my nails done was probably one of the most exciting things to me (it’s my thing, don’t ask) and I was sure to make an appointment at my favorite salon. Unfortunately, now that it is time to get my nails done over again, I can’t get an appointment until August. These are just some of the struggles of having to be extra cautious with who you let in you establishment.

I know that a lot of the the things described are minor inconvenience consider the lives lost due to cover-19 and I don’t want to ever minimize those who have been battling this virus. I wanted to just give a bit of my experience and I hope that you get a bit of a since of how life in NYC during the pandemic has been.

As with everything obstical this city has thrown at it, NYC still raises and shows its resiliency. I really hope that we can continue to have low numbers and that the rest of the USA (here’s looking a you California, Texas and Florida) can get its act together so that no more lives are lost.

I would love to hear about your experience during the pandemic. Please drop a line in the comments.


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