5 Books I’m Reading This Year To Get Ahead

Last year I read a total of 16 books. Yes, ladies (and the 5 gents that read this blog) I am a reader. Honestly, I can’t say I’ve always been into books but last year I really got into reading as a way of business development.

At first I was trying to learn the things that can get me to that 1% (still working on it) but then after a few books I started to really like diving into a book and only coming up for air when I got to my train stop.

This year, I decided that I want to almost double the amount I read last year and read 30 new books. At first, I thought this goal was kind of lofty but having already finished 2 books half way through January, I think this goal is one that I can really crush.

I know that in recent years reading / self development have been all the rage so I figured I’d share 5 books I’m reading this year and hopefully inspire you to read a bit more in 2019.

  1. “Your Best Year Ever” by Michael Hyatt

I’m practically finished this book already and I can attest to it being a game changer. Though a lot of the concepts in the book are ones that I have encountered before in other personal development books The step by step way that Michael Hyatt relays the messages really resonates with me and really has me pumped to crush the goals I have for myself this year.

2. ” You are a bad ass at making money” by Jen Sincero

After reading “You are a Bad Ass”(which is another book I would recommend), I knew I had to grab “You are a Bad Ass at Making Money.” Jen Sincero has such a gift at delivering information. She does in such an “in your face” and actionable way that I can’t wait to see what she has to say about making money.

3. Year of Yes” by Shonda Rhymes
I know I’m late to the party on this one but better late than never. I am excited to see what one of the best screen writers of our time, has to say.

4. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and Jason Swig
This year, one of my goals is to start going in on an investing. Before I do anything new, I like to get a firm grasp of the concept before plunging into the deep end. With almost 5 stars and 2000 reviews on Amazon, I figured this book will be a good place to start.

Top :Uniqlo Heat Tech, Skirt is Zara (similar here and here)

5. Shook One” by Charlamagne The god
If you have ever turned on Power 105.1 in NYC in the morning, chances are you’ve heard Charlamagne. He is a tell it like it is, blunt radio personality that decided to write about his struggles with anxiety. As a person who suffers from anxiety myself, I am really interested in his point of view on the topic and am looking forward to seeing how such a big personality deals with this mental health issue.


I know I said 5 but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention ” Becoming” by Michelle Obama. I read this New York Times bestseller last month and I can tell you that if you haven’t already, you need to read this book. Michelle, so eloquently, details the events of her life including her time at the White House as First Lady. Her story shows how a person, just like you and me, can come from a near poverty background to make something of herself. Its a truly inspirational and aspirational store and a must read.


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