Looks from New York Fashion Week SS2019

Hello beautiful and people. September was a world wind of a month for me. Between tons of birthdays, real estate work, fashion weeks, traveling and visiting friends I really had a unbelievably packed schedule. So much so that it took me a bit longer than I anticipated to get these looks up but you know what they say, “theres no time like the present.”

Day 1

Jacket and skirt are vintage, Fendi bag, Alexander wang booties


Day 2

Vintage top (similar here), Zara Skirt (love this one and this one), TopShop bag, Rayban Sunnies, Michael Kors Sandals


Day 3

Zara Dress (similar here), Alexander Wang Boots (love these), Fendi Bag, Zara earrings (budget friendly pair)


Day 5

H&M Velvet body suit (old) (Similar here) , Asos Suit (Jacket and Pants), Michael Kors Heels, Fendi bag, H&M Earrings


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